What else Happens on Sunday?
St. Philopater Church is an active church, offering Sunday school classes, activities and events. The activities and worship opportunities that are available to you every Sunday are designed to help you get plugged in to a place where you feel you belong.
From Connection Groups (Sunday School) to our Youth meeting and Aghaby Meal, there is a full menu of learning, worship, and fellowship activities and we know that you will find more than one opportunity to learn and grow with us each Sunday.
Visit our worship page to learn more about current Sunday activities.
Visit Thursday event for access to Bible Study material.
All families gather after Sunday service to have great social and spritiual time while having a nice brunch.
Tasbeha learning (Ebsalmody)
Every one is welcome to learn the Tasbeha after the Aghapy meal. For 15 - 30 minutes you spend spritual time learning and singing the great hymns of Tasbeha. The handouts are written in English - Coptic languages.